Quality Control ENGR

Taoyuan, Taiwan

SHL (Scandinavian Health Ltd) is currently the world's largest privately-owned designer, developer and manufacturer of advanced drug delivery systems. The organization was established in 1989 by Swedish entrepreneurs Roger Samuelsson and Martin Jelf with the goal of combining world-class manufacturing in Asia with the strengths of Western Management practices. SHL manufactures devices including pen injectors, auto injectors and inhaler systems. We also manufacture a range of other products including pressure mattress systems, patient lifting slings, medical soft goods, beds, neurosurgical devices, catheters and industrial equipment.

瑞健集團(SHL)成立於1989年,目標以西方管理模式在亞洲打造具有國際水準的生產中心。如今,在全球製藥及生物科技領域,SHL已成為藥物輸送系統的OEM/ODM領導製造商,如自動安全注射器。除此之外,SHL還擴展許多產品線,像是軟性結構類醫療產品、醫療氣墊床、醫療床、腦神經手術器具、工業 設備和醫療用吊昇設備等,目標市場為北美、歐洲及亞洲。

Job Overview

  • AutoCAD識圖能力及基本量測工具(游標卡尺,高度規,分厘卡)使用能力。
  • 配合產品進行影像量測儀or三次元程式編輯與修改(會操作Zeiss or Leitz機台尤佳)
  • 配合產品進行量測/檢驗,並產出量測報告以及數據分析。
  • 量測儀器/量具/檢具,操作與維護與異常處理。
  • 能獨立量測作業,具品管相關量測經驗尤佳
  • 具影像量測儀or三次元測量經驗尤佳

How we hire

SHL-Medical 2024 Level Up Workshop ZUG-20240808-49

Grounded in belonging, we strive for excellence
