Creating timeless autoinjector technologies

October 14 2021

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Banner of an article titled ‘Creating Timeless Device Technologies’ written by Andrew Moore and Gene Rhode Fuensalida Pantig

In the October issue of ONdrug Delivery magazine, SHL Medical’s Andrew Moore and Gene Rhode Fuensalida Pantig discuss the interplay between the ever-changing healthcare landscape and SHL’s effective lifecycle management strategy giving rise to its present portfolio.

Given that market imperatives constantly change over time, a device company’s current device offering may in the future be rendered obsolete. The authors provide its readers a contextual perspective on how SHL’s device technologies have constantly developed to respond to the changing market drivers in the medical device industry. To illustrate this, Moore and Pantig discuss combination products that stood the test of time, and these are products supported by the DAI® autoinjector and Molly® modular platform technology. Here, the authors also detail SHL’s global product management strategy designed to further advance SHL’s leadership in the self-injection space.



The magazine, featuring combination products supported by SHL’s Molly modular technology on the front cover, is available for download here.